Monday, October 14, 2013

Elder Adamson's Letter 10/21/2013

Hello, hello!
This week has been pretty weird and we got stood up a lot, so this letter might not be my most exciting.

On Tuesday, we went to El Palmar and met with ... and when we got there he surprised Elder Galarza and I with a DVD of all the songs we sang together.  Kind of cool, hopefully that will make for some good memories.  I´ll hold onto it for now, but maybe later when I´ve got a few more things to send home I can send a package.  We shared a message with him as well, and still has some excusing for not going to church.  We haven´t been able to help him progress really very much yet, but we´re going to keep working with him, because he doesn´t really have any friends in the church besides ..., and he´s menos activo too.  Later we went to the ...´s house and shared a short message and had a good chat with them,  They´re an awesome family.

Wednesday, we had Elder Anguaya with us because he had to wait for his new companion, so he came with us to our visits.  We went to a lunch cita with the Familia A... again (I´m pretty sure they´re going to invite us like every week...) and it went really well this time, and we didn´t go over time or anything.  Later, we worked some more in Barrio del Progreso and went to visit a future named .... He is a REALLY good man.  So polite and respectful to us and so sincere as well.  We taught him a lesson 0, but since I was the only one who wasn´t ecuatoriano there, I didn´t do much of the talking in that lesson, but I was still involved.  I really hope we can keep working with him, because he looks pretty golden.  After that, we didn´t have more time to visit people so we headed back to the bus station to drop Elder Anguaya off.   While we were waiting there, I got to see Elder Farrell, and I was SO pumped about that.  He got off the bus and I gave him a huge hug.  He´s doing awesome, I´m sure, and he just got transferred to Alicante, and he´s going to DO WORK there.  Later that night, I taught English classes.  It was tons of fun and I´d love to do it again.  Usually the hermanas do it, but they had citas that night.  The bishops wife is awesome and brings like 3 non member friends every time, but unfortunately, none of them are in our area. :(.  We ended with a short thought about the Plan of Salvation and that was that!  Good day.

Thursday, was another ice cream day.  We were on the bus on the way to visit J... but half way there, we called us and told us he couldn´t meet anymore, so we got off the bus and tried to visit pretty much everyone we could, but had no luck.  We lost all 3 of our fechas this week because J... couldn´t go to church this week.  We tried to visit our other two investigators with fechas, but when we called on the intercom, they straight up lied to us and said they weren´t there, but it was ... and he´s the only man that lives in that piso.  Pretty irritating, but we can´t do anything about it.  I got fresa flavor that day... haha.

Friday, ALMOST another ice cream day. All our plans fell through in Barrio Del Progreso, but we went to visit one of our back up plans, and she was home, and we taught her a lesson 0 and we got a pretty solid new investigator.  Her name is ... (Also from Ecuador) and she´s 17 or 18 I think.  She has really good questions and seems to be sincere about them.  Normally, we wouldn´t be able to visit her, because we would be alone with her, but she has a little patio outside with a couch and everything which is super guay, because we don´t have to have another male with us to teach her.  That was about all we got that day though,

Saturday, we played fútbol again with the new Elders and members and it was lots of fun.  I managed to sneak a couple goals in, somehow.  After lunch, we went to El Palmar and visited ... again, and tried to visit some antiguos, but didn´t have any luck with that.  El Palmar has lots of potential, because there are tons of members there, but we only have like 2 investigators there, 1 is progressing.  We´re trying to find more there, but no luck yet.  Just have to keep working with the members there.

Sunday was great and we got to hear some awesome testimonies from the members,  LOTS of them were about missionary work.  I´m hoping that our ward can really catch the wave here, because we could use lots of help.  We need them TONS here.  Once again, all our citas failed us in Progreso again.  We´ve got lots of people to visit there, but they keep canceling appointments.  Later that night we went to the Despedida of Estefanía.  She is going to be an amazing missionary, and her and her mom already are awesome missionaries here.  Great examples.  She´s going to be serving in one of the SLC missions.  Not sure which one. but she´s going to be at the Provo MTC, mom and dad.  So if you happen to see a Sister T... tell her hello for me.  I think she´s going next week.

This week has been a little tough because we weren´t able to get a lot done.  There are so many things that I want to do to be a better missionary, but I just don´t know how to do them yet. It´s really frustrating, but yesterday, I was reminded by the Spirit, that I shouldn´t try to run faster than I have strength.  I´m doing my best right now and I´ll keep doing it until I´m the missionary I plan on being.  I´ll tell you right now, I´ve got a long way to go, but I´m going to keep working hard.  I would encourage everyone else to do the same.  Don´t get discouraged when you´re not accomplishing something you want to.  You can only do your best and work hard to get better.  Heavenly Father understands.

Thanks for the letters, hope you´re all doing really good and I love you un montón!

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